Thursday, December 13, 2007

JMeter Load Testing - how to use the test file

The following represents rough directions on how to do load testing with the mdss jmeter test file.

1) Open the file in JMeter (File->Open)
2) You will need to give the test file your MyProxy login information for the tests to work.
- In the left hand navigation, click on the HTTP request titled "Proxymanager (request proxy)"
- Enter your username in the username field, and password in the password field
3) If you want to increase the load, just add more users (and respective files to upload)
- In the left hand navigation, click on the "User parameters" link
- Click the "Add User" button at the bottom of the screen
- Add a corresponding "FileName", "usernameValue", and "mdssFileIndex" for each new user
- mdssFileIndex should be one higher than the corresponding value for the previous user
4) Decide on how many users you want to run this test with
- Click on the "Thread Group" link at the top of the left-hand navigation
- In the "Number of Threads" input box, enter how many users you want to run the test with (note: it is limited by the number of users you have specified in step number 3 above).
5) Run the test
- Click the "Run" dropdown menu at the top toolbar, then select "Start"
- The green square at the top right of the screen means the tests are still running
- To see the test results live, click on "View Results Tree" in the left hand navigation at the bottom
6) Analyze results
- Click on the "View results tree", "Graph Results" etc.. links in the left-hand navigation at the bottom to see statistics on the results of the test-run.

MDSS/BigRed Load Testing

I am working on a JMeter testing file to test the uploading and downloading capabilities of the file-manager portlet via connecting to MDSS (HPSS) and BigRed.

Important notes of the testing scheme:
- Each "user thread" within JMeter represents a unique portal user who will upload, transfer, and download a unique file
- To do more intense load testing, just add new users and new files for those users. Right now the test is set up to have a maximum of 3 users
- Sending the file from MDSS to BigRed requires knowing the "index" of the file. These all need to be hard-coded. For example, for my MDSS account, the first file is hard-coded to be at index 12 in the file-manager list, the second file is index 13, and the next at 14.. and so on. This is the case because whenever you upload a file to MDSS, it gets placed at the bottom of the list. My mdss account had 12 files originally (index starts from zero), so after the first upload, the newest file was given an index of 12 (remember index starts from zero).

Thursday, December 6, 2007

How to upload different files for each user thread in JMeter

The way to have each individual JMeter thread (user) upload a different file to a remote web server is to add entries to the "User Parameters" module.

1) In your thread-group, Add Pre Processors > User Parameters to Thread Group
2) To add variables specific to each user, see:

JMeter Load Testing on IU HPSS/MDSS

Here is the scenerio I'm proposing:

Test files:
+ 1-10MB
+ 50-200MB
+ 1GB+

Steps in load testing:
1) Log into OGCE
2) Get MyProxy credentials
3) Open file-manager portlet
4) Open connection to BigRed on left
5) Open connection to MDSS on right
6) Upload test file to MDSS
7) Transfer test file from MDSS to BigRed
8) Delete test file from MDSS
9) Transfer test file from BigRed to MDSS
7) Download test file
8) Repeat step 6 with other test files