Friday, October 5, 2007

NMI Build & Test issues

I'm trying to build the OGCE portal on NMI framework, but I'm getting some problems.

The script I'm using is further down, but anyways whenever it tries to build using the script, I get the following error from maven:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error executing ant tasks

Embedded error: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Users/condor/execute/dir_26580/userdir/ogce-portal-only/containers/gridsphere/gridsphere-2.1.5/config/build/build-compile.xml:22: /Users/condor/execute/dir_26580/ogce-portal-only/portal_deploy/apache-tomcat-5.5.12/common/lib not found.

The script I made:

echo --------- Which java are we running? ---------
which java
java -version

echo --------- What about javac? ---------
which javac
javac -version

## Untar apache tomcat server and move it to portal dir ##
cd ogce-portal-only/portal_deploy
tar xzf apache-tomcat-5.5.12.tar.gz

## extract maven and move it to portal dir ##
cd ..
tar xzf maven*.tar.gz

## do the ogce portal maven build ##
maven-2.0.7/bin/mvn install

1 comment:

Rishi Verma said...

Maven had the wrong ${project.home} variable set. It had the variable set to ${user.home} ie. /home/riverma where as it needed to be /Users/nmi/.......

The solution was to modify the main pom.xml file to set ${project.home} to be ${env.HOME} instead. Then in the script, do:

export HOME=`pwd`

This will set the project home to the right path: /Users/nmi/...........