Thursday, December 13, 2007

JMeter Load Testing - how to use the test file

The following represents rough directions on how to do load testing with the mdss jmeter test file.

1) Open the file in JMeter (File->Open)
2) You will need to give the test file your MyProxy login information for the tests to work.
- In the left hand navigation, click on the HTTP request titled "Proxymanager (request proxy)"
- Enter your username in the username field, and password in the password field
3) If you want to increase the load, just add more users (and respective files to upload)
- In the left hand navigation, click on the "User parameters" link
- Click the "Add User" button at the bottom of the screen
- Add a corresponding "FileName", "usernameValue", and "mdssFileIndex" for each new user
- mdssFileIndex should be one higher than the corresponding value for the previous user
4) Decide on how many users you want to run this test with
- Click on the "Thread Group" link at the top of the left-hand navigation
- In the "Number of Threads" input box, enter how many users you want to run the test with (note: it is limited by the number of users you have specified in step number 3 above).
5) Run the test
- Click the "Run" dropdown menu at the top toolbar, then select "Start"
- The green square at the top right of the screen means the tests are still running
- To see the test results live, click on "View Results Tree" in the left hand navigation at the bottom
6) Analyze results
- Click on the "View results tree", "Graph Results" etc.. links in the left-hand navigation at the bottom to see statistics on the results of the test-run.

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