Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Local OGCE build/run test

I'm setting up a local (non-NMI) build and run test of the OGCE framework.

Steps completed:
1) Script made that:
- svn checks out portal
- does a clean build on portal (maven, tomcat bundled)
- starts up portal on tomcat server
- runs JMeter test file against portal and stores results of test in XML file
2) XSLT Style sheet made that converts JMeter resultant XML output file into readable HTML

Things to do:
1) Auto insert XSL tag into the JMeter resultant XML output file (tag specifying the XSL stylesheet must but at the top of XML file to have it display properly):

2) Send the XML test results file and stylesheet to soureforge account
3) Store build text output in a file, and send to soureforge account

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